Kinky Medical Fetish Asians Simon and Argie

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Trey Barebacks

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Tattooed Breeder

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One whithe teen, one missed ferry, leads to 3 black cocks.

A missed ferry is another mistake in a long line of mistakes. Now 19 year old Timmy pays with his ass.

God fucking dammit. I smashed the steering wheel and dashboard in my car. I could see the Ferry that I was supposed to be on, about 300 yards outside the harbor. Fuck. I was due to be catching that Ferry to attend my girlfriend’s grandmother’s funeral. Looks like that ain’t happening anymore. My girlfriend is so gonna leave my ass, I thought, this wasn’t the first mistake I’d made recently. Over the past two months, I’d lost my wallet and phone, including around $1000, our whole savings, because I was a drunken mess. Next, I’d tried to make it up by taking a small loan out and throwing it on black. I’ll leave you to guess how that one came out. To cap it all off, I’d been fired from work for looking like I’d taken drugs (I didn’t just look like I had, I definitely had taken drugs), and now for the pièce de résistance, missing her grandmother’s funeral. I was out the door, no doubt about it, with nobody to blame but myself. Nowhere to live, no friends in this town, no job, and no hope.  Every time I try to make amends, I seem to fuck it up all over again. This time, I was attending an interview for a job, which went terribly, and thought I had enough time to make it to this fucking ferry in time. Of course, it left a couple of minutes before I got there. When your luck is down, it’s like the world is against you.

I trudged my sorry ass over to the ticket booth, asking when the next ferry would be, knowing full well it wasn’t until the next morning, and I couldn’t afford it. It was now 23:00 on a Sunday night, everywhere was closed, I had no money and no way to top up my car with gas, never-mind anything else. The guy behind the desk was packing up, I caught him just in time. “If you think there’s another ferry tonight, you’re about to be disappointed”, the balding almost retiree warned. “How much for the first ferry in the morning?” A pointless question, really. Anything over 5 bucks was too much. “400”, predictable, I sighed audibly. “Anything I can do to get myself on that ferry? Anything? Cleaning, filing, I’ll work all night, I promise”, I pleaded. The balding man lowered his glasses, peering down at me from behind the perspex, “I’m going home to my fat wife, loveless marriage and my 3 horrible, snotty nose kids. Life sucks dude, get used to it”. With that, the gifter of great wisdom opened the booth door, trudging to his beat-up car. “If it offers you any comfort, there’s a waiting room over there in the garage,” the man wafted his thin arms in the direction of a run-down building at the end of a car park, “it’s not much but there’s a heater, and some shit TV, it’ll be a cold night tonight”. I nodded.

I returned to my car, defeated, head in hands, thinking what the fuck can I do, what I am doing with my life, beating myself up. Eventually I drifted off into a sleep. Not much longer, I woke up, freezing my balls off. Sweet baby Jesus it was cold tonight. Someone normal might have turned their car on and put the heaters on full blast, but as usual, mine didn’t work, and I didn’t have the funds to fix it. I got out my car as quickly as possible, running over to the garage. Fuck it was cold. I pushed the door open, stumbling through it. I noticed two sofas, threadbare, a table, damaged, a TV right out the 1980s, and an electric heater. On the two sofas were three black guys, playing cards and drinking beer. “Holy fuck dude, you look like an ice cube. Get yo’ ass over to that heater man, if you die here and the cops see us three black motha fuckers’ sitting here, your white ass dead, they’ll do the maths reaaaaal quick…”. I dragged my feet over towards the heater, but I could barely feel them at this point. “Man what the fuck is wrong with you, why you don’t put your car heater on dude?!”, the same guy asked, a puzzled, ‘wtf is up with this guy’ expression all over his face. “Doesn’t work, fell asleep”, I replied, my teeth chattering and my whole body shivering.

The electric heater was actually pretty good, the whole room was quite warm and slowly I was warming up. The three black guys, two of them probably early to mid 30s, the other maybe early 40s, were continuing to do as they were doing before, drinking beer and playing cards, betting one another. The two younger guys were both in white vests, with the older guy in a basket ball shirt. The older guy was smoking, pretty much chain-smoking, and the place was really smoky, just like those run-down bars you see around the bad parts of town. “You want a beer dude? Sit down man, you’re making me uncomfortable.” The same guy, the more outspoken of the 3, in a white vest and a baseball cap on his head. I walked over, he threw a beer from out of a bag, “What’s your story man, missed the ferry?”. In the end, I told them the whole thing, the job, the gambling, the drinking, the drugs, all of it. “That’s rough dude, and I thought my life was bad.” The other white tank top guy commented, the older gentlemen, still chain-smoking,  nodded in agreement.  After finishing my beer, I announced, “thanks for the beer guys, I’m gonna try get some sleep.” There was a cushion of-sorts, and I managed to get myself into a comfy position.

I lay there for probably an hour, before waking up, restless. “Sleeping beauty arises.” They all chuckled, probably slightly drunk. “Sorry dude, we were rude before, I’m Tyrone,” the more confident man, the leader, perhaps, extended his hand, “this idiot is Darrell and that old fucker is  H, just H”. “Timmy”, I shook all their hands. “Take another beer man, you look like you need it,” Tyrone said, gesturing towards the bag. “Thanks dude, I really appreciate it”.  “So while you been sleeping, we been thinkin’, and hear me out on this one, ‘cause we a little drunk…” and I could tell there were all a lot more drunker than they were an hour ago, “We are getting a bit cold, it’s gonna be a looooong ass night and now the beer is making us kinda horny”, I laughed shyly, “dude, I already told you I ain’t got no money to chip in for no whore”, I smiled sorrily. “Thing is,” Tyrone started, “we horny, we drunk, and you broke”. Oh noooo, I knew where this was going, and I didn’t like it one bit. “Haha,” I began, laughing, but my face a lot sterner than it was, “I appreciate the offer, but you see, I ain’t gay, I like girls, tits, pussy…”, I began, with the older man, ‘H’, interrupting, “we all like girls, tits and pussy fool, but I don’t see much of it round here. What I see, is a cute little 19 year old white boy, with brown hair and blue eyes, pale smooth skin, who broke as fuck, with a bouncy little ass”. Wow. He didn’t say much, but when he did, he was intimidating, and I noticed a couple of golden teeth in his mouth, reflecting the dim light when he spoke. “Now looka here Timmy,” Tyrone began, “we ain’t no rapist mother fuckers, and we know you probably aint gonna like this idea, so we make it worth your while, we pay for your ferry, plus give you a little extra cash to buy your sweet little girlfriend something nice to apologize for being a bit late, maybe some flowers, chocolates or some shit. Nobody knows, you’ll never see us again.” Fuck, I can’t believe I’m in this situation, I thought.. I’ve only ever done anything with guys once, an experiment with my friend at 15, that was never repeated. I thought long and hard, holding my head in my hands. “I’m getting horny as fuck man, take it or leave it, 450 bucks for you to suck our cocks and to let us fuck your tight ass”, Darrell demanded impatiently, slurping from his beer. “600”, I blurted out. “Fuck this shit man, I told you this asshole was a waste of time”, Darrell flung his arms out in frustration. “450 or nothing dude, we’re helping you out man, giving you a lifeline.” Tyrone said sympathetically, a somewhat good cop, bad cop routine. “I’m mighty horny for those pretty white lips round my black cock boy,” ‘H’ again.

I winced, probably a minute went by, “fine”. I was defeated, I needed the money, “but money first”. “Good with us, boys…”, Tyrone jested to his friends, each pulling out his wallet. Darrel flicked through his wallet, throwing down a hundred, Tyrone the same. ‘H’ offered the money to me directly, I reached out to accept if but instead H withdrew it, stuffing it down his underwear, which caused all three of them to erupt in laughter, his gold teeth glinting as he smiled. “That’s only 200”. “The rest comes when we’re finished.” Tyrone advised, “and the other bit you get when you have my snake down your throat”, H said, grabbing his crotch roughly. I smiled sarcastically. “Let’s get this party on the road man, if you look like you’re enjoying it, we might even give you a tip”, Tyrone said as he approached me, grinning. He unzipped my jacket, throwing it to the floor and lifted my top, a simple, plain, blue shirt, over the top of my head. “Oh boys, we got a good one here. His skin is smooooooth as anything, those cute little nipples man”, Tyrone, clearly impressed by my physique. “You can’t fuck his nipples man, let’s take a look at his pussy,” ‘H’ pushed himself off the couch, slinking his tall frame towards me, sipping his beer and  smoking his cigarette. “Hold my beer.” I did, H unbuckled my jeans, came around the back of me, blowing smoke into my hair, licking the back of my neck. He roughly whipped my belt off, with the force making me step to one side, which got another chuckle from all three. With force, he unbuttoned, which is perhaps a kind way to describe it, more tore apart, my jeans, using his footwear, boots, to lower my jeans around my ankles. Tyrone was still playing with my torso, licking and twisting my nipples, with Darrell still sat down, watching. H was licking my ear, from behind me, “ever had black cock before boy?”, he asked. “No.”, I responded, shyly. “Pick up your belt for me, we don’t want it to get dirty”. As I bent down to pick up my belt, H yanked down my white briefs, revealing me totally, cock and all. “Woooah, now that’s like a girls ass boy, bouncy bouncy, and smooooo-ooooth”, H commented, clearly happy with what he saw, taking a long drag from his cigarette, as he kept me in the position I was in, half bent over, by placing his hand forcefully on the small of my back, dry humping my bare ass.  Tyrone completed the move, by grabbing my head, and shoving it into his crotch area, albeit he was still clothed, jeans and all.

“Man, I’m pretty sure we paid three way for this and so far I haven’t even seen the goods, with yo’ skinny ass in front of him Tyrone, and his old ass behind him, I’ve see nothin'”, Darrel complained. “Quite yo’ whining bitch, we’ll bring him over, but I want the first go on both his mouth and pussy.” I was wrong when I assumed Tyrone was the leader before, it was clearly H. “We all paid the same”, Darrell complained. H simply gave him a ‘bitch please’ kinda-look, and Tyrone shrugged, so it was agreed. H slapped my ass, and pushed me forward, not gently, but not with too much force, towards the couch where Darrell sat. In fact, all three took their place on the sofa, Tyrone and Darrel next to each-other, H on the couch by himself, one leg on the floor, the other spread along the length of the sofa, revealing a sizable bulge. “Pass my beer.” H said, with a come-to-me kind of gesture, I reached over and passed it him, as requested. H took a big swig of his beer, reached for his pack of cigs, lighting yet another up. “Spin for us, let us take a good look at what our money’s worth.” I did as requested, covering my cock and balls, like my dignity was still somewhat in tact. “Slowly, slowly, boy, we admiring the view,”, H smiled. I felt humiliated, but I guess this was the punishment for all the fuck ups in my life. I completed the full spin, my face red with embarrassment. “Don’t be shy, it’s gonna be fun”, Tyrone tried to comfort me, “at least for us”, Darrell quipped. I could already see Darrell and Tyrone with their hands down their jeans, and briefs,  stroking their cocks as I paraded for them. “Now dance for us”, Darrell ordered. “Man, stop being an asshole, if you want him to suck your dick nice and good, you better be nice to him”, Tyrone clearly had a bit more sympathy than the other two. H put out his cigarette, rose from the Sofa, tugging at his basketball top and pulling it off, wandering towards the beer. He got another bottle, lit another cigarette, then approached me.

He stood before me, smiling, a good 7 inches taller than me. He was muscly, covered with a layer of fat, but not too much, you could tell he worked out, or at least used to. He was covered with black curly hair, covering his torso, and a snail trail, leading to his under regions.  He smiled a broad grin, noticing me looking at his body. I have to admit, something inside me did have an interest in the masculinity of him.  He downed the rest of the beer, and put it on the table, along with my belt. “You know where the money is…”, he flashed his golden teeth, grabbing his package and shaking it. I went to my knees, opened his belt and unzipped his jeans, with a lot more care than H had shown to mine. Black boxers were now showing, with a big cock outline to be seen beneath. It was big, very big, but I was slightly revealed, I expected worse. Still, it was probably double the size of my own cock. I lowered his boxers, down his muscular, hairy legs, revealing his dick. The cash that he had put there dropped to the floor, floating around. A thick bush covered the area round the base, and his cock was long, black and smooth, with a big, uncut head. I grabbed his cock, still semi-hard, and began jerking him off. My hands looked tiny compared to the size of his cock, and I stroked him up and down. I took a glance up, seeing H sip from his beer, take a toke from his cigarette, then look down at me, smiling. “Pick up the cash you can reach, and wrap it around my cock, around the base,” I did as told, “now open your mouth, stick your tongue out and place my cock on it”. I could taste his salty pre-cum as I put his cock on my tongue. “Fuck yeah, you look cute as fuck down there boy, with my dick on your tongue, and the cash your being paid to do it wrapped around me, haha, like a reaaaaaaal fucking whore….” he loved the dirty talk, H. I let the cash drop and started sucking his cock, “Oh yeaaaaah, there it is, fuckin heaven, my cock in a warm, wet mouth”. I licked down his shaft, teasing his balls with my tongue, swirling around his giant head, and then sucking and jerking him with my hand. As things got more intense, H flicked his cig to the other side of the room, using his hand to grab my hair, controlling the motion, as he began thrusting with his hips. His cock was entering deeper and deeper, as I began gagging on him. “Oh fuck yeah”, he slammed his cock harder and harder in and out of my mouth, his giant balls slapping my chin. I glanced up and he had closed his eyes, head back, he was close, I guessed. No need to guess, as he soon started spurting cum into my mouth, which I did my best to swallow what I could, the rest dribbled down my chin. “Fuck, that was insaaaane, this whore has done this before man, I’m telling ya…”, clearly satisfied, H withdrew his cock and with it he slapped it on my cheeks, pulling his briefs and trousers up, and walking away, throwing his empty bottle in a bin. “Clean up in the toilet, whore.” I dragged myself to the toilet, still butt naked, and washed out my mouth with water. I stared at myself in the mirror, disgusted a bit.

As I walked back into the room, I noticed that both Tyrone and Darrell had their jeans off and briefs off, stroking their cocks. Here goes round two, I thought. H was relaxed, laying down on the sofa, smoking. I walked over to them, and Darrell scooted along the couch a bit, Tyrone patting the sofa where he wanted me to sit. I sat down in the middle of them, looking at them both, as they smiled. Tyrone was clearly the better looking, curly black hair on his head, a handsome grin and deep brown eyes, with muscles stretching his white tank top. Darrell, on the other hand, was smaller, a bit overweight, and not the best looker in the world. I took Tyrone’s cock first, stroking him, as he smiled. I let out a small smile, as I jerked him off. His cock wasn’t as big as H’s, but it was prettier, a lighter brown color, and just a good looking dick. “Ever been skiing?”, Tyrone asked. I frowned, confused. “When you skii, you have a pole in either hand…” Tyrone let out a huge grin. I got the point. I grabbed Darrell’s dick in my left hand, the smallest of the three, but certainly a good girth to it. I was concentrating on doing an OK job jerking them off, when I heard the unmistakable click off a cell phone camera. I looked up to H taking pictures. “No pictures, this wasn’t the deal man.”, I protested, “Chill boy, we’re from out of town anyways, this is just so I can remember your sweet ass. I love myself a white slut, you three look like an oreo, and you the white cream, mmmm yeah….”, H was actually turning me on a bit with his dirty talk. “One of you cock suckers want to make sure his pussy is lubed up for me”, H ordered, throwing a bottle of lube towards Tyrone, who nodded, smiling. “Let me, I wanna see his bubble butt.” Darrell scooted up on the sofa a bit more, gesturing me over. I leaned towards him, with my face in his lap, on my stomach, and my lower body laid flat, with my legs resting on Tyrone’s thighs. I could feel his hard cock sticking up next to my leg, so I put one leg either side, teasing him with my legs.

“Ooooh fuck”, Darrell moaned, as I started sucking him. “You’re right H, he’s good”… “I told ya man, you won’t last long”. Whilst I slurped on Darrell’s dick, Tyrone was probing my ass with his fingers, applying lube. It actually felt really good, and Tyrone was being careful not to cause too much pain. In the end, H was right, after only about 3 minutes of pretty fast-paced sucking and thrusting, Darrell exploded in my face, “Fuuuuuuck, yesss, that was good man, thanks.” With his cum dripping down my face, I wiped it off with my hand. “I’m done man, I’m not gonna be able to go again with all these beers I’ve drunk, I’mma sleep in the car, laters.”, Darrell pulled on his clothes, walking out, but not before H could mock him, “Haha, you boy is weak, you more of a pussy boy than the one sucking yo cock”. No response from Darrell, as he swayed drunkenly as he left. I again returned to the toilet, washing the cum off my hands and face.

Last round, I thought, as I emerged. H had actually finished smoking, not yet sparking another. Tyrone was just sipping his beer gently. “Here he is, my favorite fuck-toy, come here and lube my dick with your spit, before I plunge it into yo’ pussy”, H smiled, stroking his cock through  his boxers, with his jeans at his feet. I walked over to him, kneeling between his legs, and I went to pull down his boxers, “Not this time boy, use your mouth.” H announced, smiling broadly. I grabbed he rim of his briefs with my teeth, dragging them down one leg, repeating for the other. “I’mma thinking you enjoying this whore, you love every minute of servicing a real man’s cock, show me your appreciation that I let you suck me.” I licked H’s inner thighs, tasting and smelling his man musk, and he groaned in pleasure. I licked his balls, taking them one at a time, sucking and swirling them with my tongue. His cock was rock hard, pointing straight up, at full attention, before I’d even touched it. H grabbed my hair, I’d assume his dick was suitably lubed, pulling me up to his face, and forcing his tongue in my mouth, aggressively. “I don’t kiss boys, but you’re my little girl, aren’t you slut?” I nodded. “Goood, now give me your titties, I leaned my nipples into Hs mouth, and he sucked them, and biting them hard. “Ah, fuck, that really hurts”, I complained. “Pleasure always has a bit of pain, it’s the price you pay”, H smiled, biting my nipples even harder. Now my nipples were fully erect, and so was my cock. “Looks like someones clit has gotten hard, but that’s not my thing gurl, I want your cunt”. H pulled me in, biting my neck, licking me roughly, “ride my cock whore, and tell me how much you love it”. I started to lower myself onto H’s rock hard dick, feeling the pressure build up on my hole, which eventually released and H entered me. Fuck, it hurt. I tried to lower myself gently, slowly, bit by bit, but it hurt too much. Next thing I know, H had slammed down on my shoulders, simultaneously thrusting up with his hips, forcing the entirety of his shaft into me. A rush of paint entered my body, and I screamed in agony, fuck that hurt. H whispered into my ear, his hot breath I could feel down my neck, “No pleasure without pain. Ride me bitch”. Tears dripped down my cheek, but i placed a hand on H’s strong shoulder, gently raising my body up and down, riding H. It hurt, like being stabbed repeatedly.  After a few minutes, I started to feel another sensation, a good one, which accompanied the pain. My cock, which had gone soft through the pain, also regathered its strength and was rock hard again. “Mmmm, that’s it boy, ride me, I wanna feel that white gurl ass bouncing on my thighs”. My motion was now more confident, faster, longer.

All of a sudden, H grabbed me, stood up, with me still impaled on his cock. He man-handled me, throwing me against the wall, and pinning me to it, ramming his cock in and out of me. Fuck, I thought he was in me before, he definitely is now. The mix of pain and pleasure was so good, and I could hear myself moaning. “Yes gurl, moan like a slut, mmmmm, feel me slamming in your pussy.” I could feel my own cock being pushed against my abs. H increased his pumping, with me increasing my moaning. With one final push deep inside me, H again grabbed me, still riding him, and then flung me onto the table. “On your back slut”, I did as told. H grabbed my legs, flung either one  on his shoulder. He leaned into me, his face close to mine, “how much do you want me to fuck you?”, he whispered, his smoky breath being smelt and felt against my face. “Please H, fuck me, I really want you in me”, I pleaded, “fuck me with your black dick”. “Are you my slut?”, he asked, “I’m your sl…”, before I could complete, his tongue was deep in my throat, invading my throat and mouth. Whilst he explored my mouth, he thrust his dick deep inside me, causing me to gasp with shock and pleasure, “Oh I can taste your gurl lust”, H withdrew his tongue , grabbing my legs as he pushed in and out of my ass. I could barely cope, so much pleasure, and my cock, which still hadn’t been touched, spurted out my cum, covering my belly. “Yeah, I love it when a gurl squirts”, H was still banging me, harder and harder, his breaths getting shorter and quicker, before one big thrust, and I felt his seed being released in my ass, “ohhhh yeeehaaa yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah, holy fuck gurl, you are myyyy kinda slut”. H withdrew his cock from my ass, wiping it around my hole, as I lay, exhausted, on the table. He walked around the table, placing his cock at my mouth, which I cleaned with my tongue. “Mmmhhhhmmm gurl, you a  real whore, and I think you want me to come fuck you again, before we leave in the morning.” With that, H redressed himself, taking out his wallet, throwing the remaining bucks over my naked, cum-soaked body, with H’s seed dripping out my hole.

It took a good couple of minutes before I came to my senses. I sat up, and realized Tyrone was still sat on the couch, and we were alone. “You look exhausted, I’m not going to get my moneys worth am I?”. I smiled shyly, walking to the bathroom again to clean up. When I came back, Tyrone was watching the TV, relaxed, legs spread. I walked over to him, now needing no prompting, straggling him, sat on his thighs, and kissed him deeply. We probably kissed for around 5 minutes, passionate kissing, with both our hands exploring each-others bodies. His muscles were strong, just a little hair to his body. His big hands explored every facet of my body, squeezing my nipples, massaging my thighs, probing my boy hole. Tyrone pulled me up, standing up on the sofa whilst he still sat, and he starting sucking me off. Fuck, this felt night had been so good, better sex than I ever had. After just a couple of minutes, I cummed, but not much actual liquid, after H had previously drained me. I kissed Tyrone again, before sucking his cock. My hands explored his muscular, smooth black thighs. He was a chocolate skinned man, and smelt so fine. As he had been so kind to me, I gave Tyrone’s cock extra special attention, edging him, teasing him, as he groaned in pleasure. He then grabbed my body, lifting me with his bulky muscles, turning me onto all fours. I could feel his body, leaning against mine, as he asked, “are you ready for me?”, “always”, I replied. He then entered me, as I gasped out load, swallowing air as he pumped me slowly, passionately, his hands slapping my ass in between thrusts, exploring my body. He then turned me, on my back, as he slid back into me, missionary style, kissing me whilst he fucked me. After another 20 minutes, I felt him release his seed, deep into me, as I kissed him, thanking him.

Tyrone re-clothed, no more words were exchanged. He winked at me, smiling handsomely. I cleaned myself up, clothed myself in just my briefs, and slept, a deep, deep, sleep, exhausted from the sex. I dreamed that night, of H, talking dirty to me, calling me a whore, as he slammed my ass. The dream turned into reality that morning, as he awoke me by  slapping his cock on my face….

I threw everything on black, and this time, I won, in more ways than one.

Rob Trainor


Military School Adventures – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men and is entirely based on real life occurrences; the names have been changed to protect the guilty. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved.

Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be constructive as I will ignore all flames. If you want descriptions of me or Luke at this point, read Chapter 1. If you don’t like stories with a gay theme then please don’t read. That having been said; enjoy the story.

My friend, Luke, had implied that I was now part of a discreet club of guys at our academy who were into man on man sex. But, it had been days since that night, and all I got from him when I looked his way was a sly smile before he would turn away. I was really stating to get antsy; how was I supposed to be a part of this club if no one was going to show me the ropes? I was jacking off 2 to 3 times a day reliving that night and I was dieing for the next encounter. I mean I had been in this school for over 3 years and did not know that anything like this was going on.

Then one night as I lay in my bed, a tapping came at the door. I rose up and staring back at me through the door glass was Luke with a big shit eating grin on his face. As soon as he knew I was awake, he turned the knob and came in. He was wearing a pair of white jockeys sporting a solid hard on. He came over to the bed and popped the front of his underwear down and let his dick fly out and hit me in the face. “Want some?” he said with a grin. “Yea”, I replied, “but we need to go somewhere private, we don’t want the O.D. to come by making a bed check and get caught.”

At this point I should explain that O.D. stands for Officer on Duty and in a military school consists of a faculty member. Each faculty member rotates nights on a schedule to be on campus and make unscheduled rounds and checks on the barracks.

Luke got an even bigger grin on his face as he said, “Don’t worry Captain Frank is on duty tonight and he won’t bother us.” “What do you mean, he won’t bother us?” I replied. At this point, Luke realized my apprehension and released his underwear and let his dick flip back in. He then sat on my bed and began to explain. “Captain Frank, if he does come by, would really love to catch us, horny bastard that he is. He would probably stand outside the door and jack off or even better, come in share that beer can cock of his.” “You’ve seen his cock? How, when, where?” I asked in amazement. “Calm down”, Luke said as he lay back on the bed with me and rolled over on his side propping his head on his elbow. At this point I knew I was in for a juicy bit of information about this new club I had entered. He went on to explain, “I think Captain Frank saw Skip and me one night sucking each other off in bed. We thought we couldn’t be seen because we had the blanket propped up, but we heard something at the door. When we jumped up, someone walked quickly away from the door. I jumped up and looked out to see if I could see who was there and just caught the site of a figure headed out the front door. I found out later that Captain Frank was on duty that night and I was just glad he had decided not to burst into the room.” “Is that all? How do you know he wouldn’t decide to bust us just because he let you go that night?” I asked. “Wait, there’s more”, he continued. “A few days later I see Captain Frank walking towards me down the sidewalk and I salute him. He returns the salute but stops me and asks if I would be willing to come by his apartment and help with some typing.” Captain Frank was a bachelor and lived on campus in an apartment building with other bachelor faculty members. “I told him that I would”, Luke continued. “Good, come around 5 this afternoon and we’ll get started” Captain Frank told him. Luke continued, “Well I showed up promptly at 5 and Captain Frank greets me at the door in a pair of sweat pants and T-shirt. He lets me in and shows me the typewriter and the notes he wants typed up. I sat down and got to work and he asked if I wanted something to drink, and I told him yes, a coke would be great. He brought me the bottle and set it down next to me and when I reached for the bottle he leaned in and let his crotch slightly touch my hand. Well I didn’t move my hand right away and he didn’t move back either, so, I decided to stroke my little finger up and down and see what happened. He just looked down at me and grabbed my hand and pushed it into his crotch and told me he thought we could forgo the typing for now. Man, let me tell you, this guy has a dick. It’s not as long as yours; it’s about 5 inches but, it is the size of a beer can. I could hardly get it in my mouth.”

Somewhere during the recounting of this tale we had both started stroking each other’s cocks through our underwear and the fronts were both soaked in precum. Suddenly Luke said, “Fuck this, I’ll introduce you to him and you can see for yourself. Right now if you don’t suck my dick I’m going to scream.” With that he leaned in and grabbed me by the back of the neck and kissed me. I thought the late day stubble on his face was weird but then he slipped his tongue between my lips and I thought I was going to cum right then. As we passionately kissed he pulled my underwear down as far as he could without breaking our lip lock and then hooked his toe in the band and finished the job. I did the same to him and we then slid together to grind our cocks together. It was the hottest thing I had ever felt. My nerves were on end and my cock had a continuous stream of precum pouring out of it. We were both soaked and the way our socks slipped against each other was quickly sending me over the edge.

Luke broke our kiss and flipped around to put us in the 69 position and grabbed my cock and began licking up all of our mutual nectars. I reached out and took a hold of his cock marveling about how it bent to the right so much. “How did it grow that way?” I asked myself. I then leaned in and let the head rub against my lips and coat them. I stuck out my tongue to swirl around the spongy head scooping up as much of the nectar as I could get. The taste of our juices was fantastic; I love the taste of precum, it’s so sweet, I could taste it for hours. Not that I don’t like the taste of cum, mind you; it’s just precum is a delicacy I relish. Luke had begun a steady rhythm of up and down strokes on my cock that had my toes curling. In turn I began to let him slip into my mouth. I felt the heat of his cock all in my mouth as I let my tongue press tightly to the shaft. I went down as far as I could until the head just touched the entrance of my throat. My throat involuntarily convulsed and I jerked back a little. “Watch the teeth, would ya?” Luke whispered. “Sorry”, I replied.

I went back to work on his cock intent on giving him the blowjob of his life. Luke had come off my cock and begun to mouth up and down the sides with his lips and tongue. “Damn man, you got a nice dick!” Luke whispered. I came off for one stroke; “Yours too!” I sputtered just before taking him back into my mouth. Luke had mouthed down to my nuts and had slipped one inside his mouth. He swirled his tongue in and around it sending little jolts of energy through me. “We’re going to have to shave your nuts so I can do a better job next time”, he said. I didn’t respond but, for the first time noticed that his ball sac was hairless. I had been so intent on his cock that I hadn’t even noticed. “How in the hell do you shave your nuts?” I wondered to myself and I continued to suck on his wonderful cock. I decided to return the favor and went down and began tonguing his balls. They were very tight up against him and although I tried, I couldn’t manage to get one into my mouth. So I just tongued and tried to suck on each one while I stroked his cock with my hand.

I knew Luke enjoyed this because he kept moaning around my cock making his mouth vibrate against my overexcited cock. I returned back to his cock and let it slid once again into my mouth. “Enough of the preliminaries”, I said to myself, “You need to cum and fill my mouth!” I began to really suck his cock for all I was worth, making sure that I kept as much friction against him to really get him off. Each time I went down on him, a little more of the head got into the entrance of throat and each time the gag reflex became less and less, until I was letting him knock at the back of my throat. I had seen “Deep Throat” but, “damn she was a freak or something, no one can really do that unless they’re sword swallowers or something”, I thought. About this time Luke grabbed a hold of my ass with his hand and pulled me as deep as he could. I felt my head start to enter his throat and then suddenly, pop, it went right down to the hilt. “Holy Shit!” I sputtered, “That feels fucking fantastic!” He then began to make swallowing movements with his throat and I thought I was going to die of ecstasy. My whole body stiffened; I had never in my life felt anything like this and I knew I was going to have to figure out how to do this to someone else.

I returned to his dick intent on making him cum once and for all. Luke was earnestly working my cock with his mouth and throat. All of a sudden that familiar feeling started at the back of my balls. “Fuck!” I thought, “I’m going cum first.” I needn’t have worried; just as the first of 4 strings of my cum hit his mouth, I felt his dick swell and suddenly he was sending jet after jet of cum into my mouth. We were both lost in our mutual orgasms. I didn’t swallow right away and kept sliding my mouth up and down his shaft, letting the cum coat the entire length. His cum was tangy but tasted good. I started to swallow and cleaned his shaft with my mouth until he softened and I let him plop out. Luke had cleaned me up as well and let me fall from his lips. He flipped around on the bed and pulled my mouth to his. Much to my surprise he pushed my entire load into my mouth. “Swallow it”, he said, “you taste so fucking good.” I let the huge load slide down my throat and Luke leaned in to kiss me again. “Damn!” I exclaimed. “I don’t think I can wait very long before the next time.” “Don’t worry”, Luke replied, “I know the ropes. I haven’t been caught in 3 years; I’m not about to begin now.”

About this time we heard a tapping at the door glass and we both jerked around to look. Fuck, there was Captain Frank grinning at us. He opened the door and let himself in. He had his cock in his hand and it was obvious that he had just cum while he watched us through the window. There was a long string hanging from the end. Luke was right though, his dick was as thick as a can. I didn’t know what to do; my belly was starting to do flips and my brow beaded up with sweat. “Nice show boys”, he said, “Luke, go on back to your bed before the rest of the barracks comes to see where all the noise was coming from. You boys need to be quieter in the future.” Luke jumped up and started pulling on his underwear all the while grinning at Captain Frank and me. “Told you he’d jack off watching us if he came by”, Luke said. Captain Frank walked over to my bed still holding his cock in his hand. He reached and gently grabbed my head and pulled until the string of cum was right over my mouth. I did the only thing I knew to do and that was to open my mouth and stick out my tongue. He slowly let the string curl onto my tongue as he lowered his cock to my mouth. I opened really wide and sucked the head into my mouth. I felt more cum escape from his cock as I sucked and greedily went for more. He gently pulled his cock from my lips and put it back in his uniform trousers. As he zipped up, he said, “You boys will have to come over to my apartment soon and help me, if you know what I mean.” “Sure do, Captain Frank”, Luke barked as he threw up his hand in a salute.” Captain Frank swatted him on the ass and said, “Get that cute ass back in bed now Luke.” Yes Sir”, Luke whispered as he slipped out the door.

Captain Frank then turned to me, “I thought you were Mister Dean’s list, straight laced, tight assed, and gun ho. How long has this been going on?” “Just last week”, I replied. “Son of a bitch”, he said, “you boys looked like a couple of porno stars. I don’t think I’ve seen anything that fucking hot in my entire life. You and Luke will be coming over, won’t you?” “Yes sir”, was all I could say. “Good, I’ll let you know when” as he stepped back over to the door and opened it. About half way through the door he turned around as he cocked his hat back on his head. “Son of a bitch”, he muttered as he shook his head. He then walked out and pulled the door shut behind him. I just stared at the closed door for some time before falling back on the bed and throwing my hands up to the side of head. “Son of bitch!”, I said as I grinned up at the ceiling.

Whale-Sized Wonder Gets His Pert Pucker Fucked Raw & Fisted!

Click here for full video @ Staxus

Category: Dirty Fuckers
Featuring: Alex Whale, Joel Tamir
Scene Length: 31 minutes
Release Date: May 03, 2018


Cute blond twinks, big fat cocks, rimming, fisting, cum all over pretty faces – let’s be perfectly honest now, what’s not to like about this scene? For all such obvious positives, however, you might find the somewhat curious introduction – centring on an ancient Czech springtime fertility ritual – a little off-putting. It’s certainly not your usual opening salvo in a STAXUS scene, that’s for sure; but suffice it to say that it’s literally only thirty seconds before attention has firmly settled on the two stars – Joel Tamir and mega-sized newbie, Alex Whale – as they kick back in the bedroom and start to enjoy the generous inches that they have clearly both been blessed with. And boy are you in for a treat, as the lads feast on dick in all its glory for your unadulterated entertainment; gobbling for all they’re worth and clearly savouring the taste and feel of rampant man-meat. If anything, Whale has the slight edge in size; but it’s his horned-up buddy who ultimately provides the impetus to turn this wanton suck-fest into a rampant, no-holds-barred display of raw sodomy, as he first rims and then finally fucks his way to tight-arsed ecstasy. The sight of the blond-haired new boy receiving the banging of his life in a whole succession of positions is exquisite in itself; but things turn even raunchier when Tamir replaces his cock in Whale’s arse with his fingers, and promptly proceeds to fist the fucker like an old-time pro. Given the ease with which Whale takes Tamir’s onslaught, it’s hard to view him as a noob to such kink; whilst a splurge of cum from both lads serves as a fitting climax!


NOW PLAYING: Teen Rentboy Project

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Dads want laid, teens want paid! Clay along with some of his buddies are on the prowl for some hot teenage ass, and it doesn’t take long for them to find it.

Karamba Sport

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Karamba Sport Summary

At Karamba Sports, players will be able to get a big betting experience and lots of fun. Karamba Sports has a very enjoyable gaming environment which makes players quickly get in the right mood when playing at Karamba Sports. At Karamba Sports, the players will find a good sportsbook that comes from the most popular game makers, but also a good range of sports betting and live betting on a variety of sports markets across the globe.

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